Your student may have been exposed to a positive covid case in the elementary school. This person is a centralized worker who deals with many students but is in a position that is required to wear a mask. We are notifying you so that you may monitor your student. If your student develops any symptoms of covid, please keep your student at home.
Today, your student will bring home a work-at-home package. We had planned to send this home for the days we may miss school. The teachers have been preparing this package for a week; it is not indicative of the notification of a positive covid case. We have used packets on inclement weather days, water leaks, and other school outages.
The All-Sports Booster Club is currently selling 2021 football season passes for $20 each for all home games. Also this year, we are offering a 2021-2022 All-Sports Season Pass for $80. The $80 pass gets you admission to all home sporting events with the exception of home playoff games. To purchase your pass, contact Stacy Slocter at Regent bank or message her at (918)818-0030. Thank you.
The middle school football scrimmage scheduled for Monday, August 30th in Caney Valley has been cancelled.
Ms. Maggard's PLTW Design and Modeling students trying to build the tallest tower with balloons and tape!!!
Everyone please remember that tomorrow is picture day for the middle and high school.
Caring Van will be at the Elementary on September 3, 2021 from 9:00am until Noon. Any questions Call Nurse Cheryl at 918-273-0771.
Softball for tonight in Nowata has been changed to a 5:30 start time. There will be 1 varsity game.
Picture day is Thursday, Aug. 26!
10th, 11th and 12th grade students can take a free ACT test on 10-5-21. They need to sign up ASAP. There is a sign up sheed outside Ms, Hewitts room. Please help us by having your student sign up.
Nowata Public Schools are hiring support personnel/paraprofessionals. You ma get an application at the superintendent's office or on our website at Nowata is an equal opportunity employer. For questions please call 918-273-3425.
Middle School kicked off their softball season in Fairland today!
Live grasshopper lab! Zoology and biology students are practicing their observation skills while learning about insect characteristics!
Lady Ironmen softball with a 5-3 win today to take 3rd place in the Oilton Tournament. Kaydence Pechtel helped the team with a two run home-run!
Meet the Ironmen. Saturday August 21 at the football field 6pm. Come join us and support the Ironmen!!!!
Football Scrimmage Thursday night August 19. Please bring soap or towel for admission. Hope to see you there!!! Support your Ironmen!!!
High school students this is just a reminder that tonight is not about changing your schedule. Ms. Wilson will have that process ready on Thursday. If you have a scheduling issue, on Thursday be looking for the sign up sheets that will be placed near the office.
Nowata Middle School and High School teachers have been working hard on Project Based Learning this week. On August 18th at 1:00 and 1:50, the teachers will share their projects! If you would like to come see what they have been creating, please plan stop by!
High school students, remembrer to bring your $25 user fee in order to check out your chromebook. You must get your schedule from the office first, then check out your chromebook. We will be here from 5:30 to 7.
Meet the Teacher August 17th, 2021 5:30-7:00
1st grade, Kindergarten, and PK students please enter the building through the playground gates and door on the west side of the building.
2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th-grade students please enter the building through the front door.
This will cut down on lines and large groups.
The director of transportation will be in the cafeteria, you will be visiting with him about bus numbers if needed. Boys and Girls Club will also have enrollment forms.
Thank you!
Kaysha Donaldson’s first home run ball!!