Remember letter jacket and patch orders tomorrow from 9am until noon. $100 deposit for letter jacket orders. Parents if you come in we’ll get you to the front of the line.
about 4 years ago, Bron Williams
Thank you to Ms. Hewitt and Mr. Fox for leading a school wide election project.
about 4 years ago, Bron Williams
Pic 3
Pic 4
Any 9-12 virtual student wanting a school picture needs to come in today before 2pm.
about 4 years ago, Bron Williams
You are invited to A Veterans Day Celebration Hosted by: Nowata Public Schools Who: Veteran - a person who has served in the Armed Forces What: Veterans Day (November 11) is a legal holiday. It is intended to thank and honor all those who served honorably in the military - in wartime or peacetime. When: Wednesday, November 11, 2020 at 9:30am Where: The Nowata High School Gym. There will be reserved parking on the South and East side of the gym. Veterans and their families will have reserved seats on the floor of the gym. Please come and let our students honor you for the work you have done and the sacrifices you have made for our country. The assembly will be live streamed this year by the KWON/KRIG radio station. The link to watch the live stream is: The HS and MS students will be watching the assembly in the classrooms unless they are taking part in the assembly or have a Veteran that they will be attending the assembly with. We will follow our rules of social distancing, wearing masks and taking temperatures to try to assure you are kept safe. If you have any questions please feel free to call the high school office @ 9182732221 and talk to Mr. Williams or Chris Truesdell
about 4 years ago, Bron Williams
The link below is to the Middle School October Ironmen Outlook produced my Ms. Hewitt's class.
about 4 years ago, Bron Williams
Were ordering letter jackets Wednesday at 9am. There is a $100 deposit required to order.
about 4 years ago, Bron Williams
Just a reminder about a few things at Dewey tonight. 6pm kickoff. Please wear a mask. Enter on the visitor (North) side.
about 4 years ago, Bron Williams
To eliminate confusion, I want to clear up kickoff times for the upcoming varsity football games. Friday we play at home and kickoff is 7pm Monday we play at Dewey and kickoff is 6pm.
about 4 years ago, Bron Williams
Just a reminder that Jostens will be here tomorrow at 11am to take Senior orders for graduation products. They will meet with Sophomores at 11:30 to take class ring orders.
about 4 years ago, Bron Williams
Due to weather related power issues at his home and office, our letter jacket distributor can not make it tomorrow. We will reschedule as soon as possible.
about 4 years ago, Bron Williams
Weather permitting letter jackets will be ordered tomorrow from 9am until noon. Parents, if you want to show up anytime between those hours we will bump you to the front of the line. There is a $100 deposit. Specific concerns can be addressed to Mr. Cunningham.
about 4 years ago, Bron Williams
We will post more details later. However, Friday a group of NHS students will be downtown asking questions of citizens so that we can have our own poll data to analyze as part of a High School Wide election project. Our effort is to teach our students to think and analyze information for themselves.
about 4 years ago, Bron Williams
The middle school football game for today has been cancelled.
about 4 years ago, Bron Williams
Letter a Jacket orders are postponed until tomorrow
about 4 years ago, Bron Williams
As of now, we are still planning on having the letter jacket ordering tomorrow starting at 9am.
about 4 years ago, Bron Williams
Kansas Covid Restrictions for tonights game Kansas Football Covid Protocols We encourage social distancing at all of our facilities, social distancing of 6 feet is strongly encouraged during all events. Please be respectful of others around you. Masks or face coverings are strongly encouraged for all spectators especially when entering and exiting our facilities and in the concession stand area. Spectators, we ask that you sit in family groups and respect the area around others. Spectators who choose to sit in the bleachers must keep their children with them at all times. Students attending the game without their parents must sit in the bleachers. Spectators who choose to sit in lawn chairs on the outside of the field must keep their children with them at all times. Students are not allowed to congregate anywhere around the field or any part of the stadium. Students are not allowed to play around the field or any part of the stadium. Only players, coaches, officials, training/medical staff and administrators are allowed on the field/sidelines before, during,and after events. NO Spirit Lines. There will be no coach or team handshake before or after the game. No post game meetings are allowed to take place on the field. Fans are not allowed on the field after events. Only essential personnel will be allowed in the press box. No outside food or drinks are allowed in the facility.
about 4 years ago, Bron Williams
Just a reminder that the middle school football game for today has been moved to tomorrow 10-27
about 4 years ago, Bron Williams
Elementary Parents, Next week we are expecting cold temperatures. Please, dress your children accordingly. We go outside every day unless the wind chill is below freezing. Many people have not been able to work because of closures of school and places of employment. If your child would need a coat, gloves, or hat, email me at We can help! I am looking forward to a fun-filled week at NES! It is always great to be a Nowata Ironmen! Sherry
about 4 years ago, Sherry Campbell