High School students, parents and guardians please fill out the following form regarding your options for school attendance. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSebAIEFaFmGy0VRy0yIZBExfPgvX8WNjmNoMK8iIoG6q1mRgA/viewform?usp=sf_link
Glenn C. Moore Elementary is pleased to announce we will be offering a Distance Learning pathway in the Fall along with our Traditional Learning path for our students. Parents may choose either option! Enrollment is coming up soon! !
What is going on at Glenn C. Moore Elementary?
The school safety committee has been meeting to discuss our plan for the reopening in Fall! We have had two meetings! We have had parental input, but we can always use more! If you would like to participate, send me your email address at scampbell@npsok.org. We appreciate the participation of our parents!
Enrollment will be online this year! I am anticipating the announcement in a couple of weeks! The company that is preparing it for us is keeping us in suspense!
Don't worry... we will also have paper enrollment for those of you that want to enroll that way. I will announce the times to fill out the paper forms within the next two weeks.
We have a PreK "Save My Place" enrollment on our website now. Sadly, last year we were only able to have two classes, so fill out your pre-enrollment soon. We had to close enrollment at 40 students in the 19-20 school year. Be sure and save your place! We are getting close to that number! Here is the link https://www.npsok.org/article/253413?org=nowata-public-schools .
We are so excited about the next school year and introducing Project Lead the Way to ALL of our students.
Incoming 9th graders, it appears we’re having issues with our enrollment form. We’re trying to be better with technology. I will be in the office tomorrow and try and work on it. Thank you for your patience.
The following form is for anyone entering High School. We need incoming Freshman to fill it out and any upper class-men who did not complete this form for Ms. Wilson. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd7nEj8QeL1Vy-2mVXO3VgxrmSe7Oa43wJsLAVBEI1KZ_jfDw/viewform?usp=sf_link
Coach Snelding will open the weight room for all 6-12 female athletes starting Thursday June 11th from 9:30 am until 10:30 am. The girls will workout on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursdays on a weekly basis.
Morton is providing sports physicals for Nowata schools at no out of pocket cost. Call to schedule your appointment at 918-273-9911
This services will be available starting June 8th.
Graduating senior football players please stop by the superintendents office Thursday or Monday between 9am and 2pm to vote for the Big E award winner. If you want to email me you’re vote send it to bwilliams@npsok.org
Morton Clinic in Nowata is working on providing physicals at no out of pocket expense to athletes. They are going to get us information to post. I will share as soon as I have it
Athletic contracts are available, including physical forms from football and softball coaches or the superintendents office. They must be completed before the first day of practice in July or August.
Graduation Update:
After speaking with local authorities,
At this time, no restirictions on numbers who can attend are in place.
You will be expected to social distance yourself.
Taking tempratures at the entracnes is being considered.
All those taking part in the ceremony will be seated from the 50 yardline to the South. That leaves from the 50 yardline to the North for guests to bring chairs if they desire. Please be sure you chari does not put holes in the football field. If the field is too soft, we wil ask that you not put charis on it. Both home and visitor bleachers will be available as well as the grass areas near the concession stand.
If Nowata County, The City of Nowata or the State of Oklahoma impose new restrictions due to COVID-19 they will be implimented. We hope that does not happen.
See you all June 12th.
Parents will be able to pick up class pictures, yearbooks, fundraising prizes, and PreK blankets and mats on Tuesday, June 9th, at Glenn C. Moore Elementary School. Pull through the bus drive and walk-up and give us the name, grade, and class of your student. We will give you their items. Please no more than one at a table and practice social distancing of 6ft in your line. YOU MAY PICK UP SIBLINGS ITEMS AT THE SAME TIME.
12:30-1:00 PK
1:00-1:30 1st/Kinder
1:30-2:00 2nd/3rd
2:00-2:30 4th/5th
600-7:00 Evening parent pick up (If you are able to come during the day, please do so)
Posting for Nowata Little League:
Hey guys!! Football will be here before you know it! 🏈🏈🏈
There will be a sign up Tuesday June 2nd at the Jack Gordon park (by the fire station) @ 6pm.
The cost for tackle football will be $125 which will include your jersey and pants with pads(we will do a day for checking out helmets and shoulder pads).
We will be offering flag football this year! Pre k - 1st, the cost for this will be $35 and will include a flag shirt! (We will always provide the belt and flags for games/practice) We are so excited to be adding this for our littles! We will have some local teams that they will play so they will traveling some.
We will have a discount for families with multiple children playing.
We are so excited for this season.
Please remember when coming to sign ups to keep following CDC guidelines for social distancing.

Nowata Public Schools is tentatively scheduled to open the weight room for summer conditioning June 8th. Your coaches will be reaching out to you with specific information. We will follow the OSSAA guidlines for returning to participation. You can follow the link below to view those guidlines.
Glenn C. Moore Elementary School Update: We would like to have one more pick-up date at the elementary school. We need to pass out our class pictures, yearbooks, PK mats and blankets, prizes from the fundraiser, and also have a library book drop off. The class pictures have still not come in yet. Mrs. Mary Hewitt has emailed, and they have told us they are short-staffed and are looking for our order. I am sure they are. I know photography was not an essential job. I would rather wait and give out everything at one time due to the conditions. If it is an emergency that you need the yearbook, PK mat/blanket, prizes from the fundraiser, or need to turn the library books in due to moving, I will be glad to meet with you! My cell phone number is 918-397-5734. I am sorry for all the inconvenience this year has caused. We will announce the next pick-up date. Enrollment: Enrollment will be online this year. It is not available yet. We will let you know when it is. We will be available to help you complete the enrollment, if you have questions. We will also have a way for those that do not have the internet to enroll. Again, feel free to call me if you have any needs. I also receive phone messages if you leave a message at the school. Have a great summer! I have missed your kids! Thank you, Sherry Campbell school: 918-273-0771 cell phone: 918-397-5734 email: scampbell@npsok.org
Seniors please do not decorate your caps and or gowns for graduation. Thank you.
Seniors if you took a concurrent class, Ms. Wilson needs a copy of your transcript so she can get your High School transcript updated. swilson@npsok.org
If you are going to enroll in concurrent classes next year please let Ms. Wilson or Mr. Williams know if you need anything.
Seniors please pick up the Nowata Star forms at the Superintendents office ASAP.