High School online students who did not pick up a chrome book last week will get them early next week. We will post a date and time soon. Please do not come this evening to schedule pick up expecting to check out a chrome book. Thank you.
High School schedule pick tonight from 6pm until 8pm. Teachers will not be available this evening to speak with. Students working online can pick up shedules tonight as well if they wish to.
Today’s softball game has been postponed due to rain. We will reschedule and announce the new date and time when it’s available.
High School students. The front doors are the only entry point for the immediate future. The doors will open at 7:30am. You will have your temperature taken upon entry. See you all Thursday morning for day 1.
High School students will be checked out chrome books the first day in their English classes. They will get a case as well. Please bring $25 for the insurance fee. See Mr. Williams privately if you woul like to discuss the insurance fee.
Wednesday Evening from 6pm until 8pm high school students can pick up their schedules and put their stuff in their lockers.
Don’t forget the Junior High football parent meeting tonight at 6pm.
High School football practice officially starts Monday at 2pm. You must have your physical and packet completed before you can practice.
High school students who indicated on the previously submitted survey saying they are working from home or blending their day can pick up their chrome book Wednesday or Thursday from 9:30 until 3:00. You must have a parent or guardian with you. Insurance cost will be $25. If you didn’t fill out the form earlier in the summer, you will not be issued a chrome book this week.
Pre-K and Kindergarten Parents,
I know the importance of the first few days of school. I know you will never have this time again.
We will begin Kindergarten at 8:20 a.m., the first three days of school: August 13th, 14th, and 17th. To help avoid the congestion of parents and students in the doorways, you will be able to walk your child up to the front doors where they will normally come in. Your child’s teacher will be there to greet you and your child. (An excellent place for photos and we will have a few “surprises” set up outside!) We require that adults wear a mask and only one adult per child. We will take the temperature of the student, and the student will walk into the building with their teacher. I remember the first few days of school when my children were young. Parents want to make sure students are with their teachers.
(As with all things common sense will prevail. If your student is having anxiety, exceptions can be made. We will always do what is best for each child, while keeping the safety of all children foremost.)
We will begin Pre-K at 8:40 a.m., the first three days of school. You may follow the same procedures as the Kindergarten students.
If you would like your child to come to school at the regular time of 8:00 a.m., that is fine. We have arrangements for the students while the teachers greet the later arriving students outside. We have a closed building policy due to COVID-19.
Thank you.
Nowata Elementary Meet the Teacher Nights
Please join us for Meet the Teacher Night for your child! Your student will find out who their teacher is and bring their supplies to school on this night. Enrollment must be complete and turned in by August 6th to be assigned a teacher. In order to have this event, the following guidelines will be in place to ensure that students, parents, and staff can safely enter and move about the facilities while observing social distancing guidelines.
Only two adults can accompany a child to his/her classroom. Please do not bring any siblings unless their grade/class is scheduled at the same time.
Mask or cloth facial coverings for ALL ADULTS are required for entrance into the building. Because many adults will be in our building, it is strongly recommended that our students wear a mask for this event if age-appropriate. (At the time of writing this, Nowata has no active cases of COVID-19 or only two depending on the document you view. I would rather be overly cautious because our kids have not seen each other in quite a long time. I would also rather be careful about this event so that we do not have to begin school in masks and keep our numbers low. I hope that you will understand this choice. There have been hard decisions in thinking of the health of ALL kids.)
Hand sanitizer will be available for all to use when entering the building, and your temperature will be taken as you enter the building.
You must attend the scheduled time for your child's grade. The only teachers in the building will be the ones that are scheduled at that time. This will help us keep our numbers manageable and safe for everyone.
Please do not attend this event if you are experiencing any of the following symptoms:
unexplained cough or shortness of breath/difficulty breathing
fever higher than 100 degrees, loss of taste or smell
chills or repeated shaking with chills
close contact with a person with a lab-confirmed case of COVID-19 in the past 14 days
August 10th, 5:00-6:00
Kindergarten (Please enter through the playground gates and door on the west side of the building.)
5th Grade (Please enter through the front door.)
August 10th, 6:30-7:30
1st grade (Please enter through the playground gates and door on the west side of the building.)
2nd grade (Please enter through the front door.)
August 11th, 5:00-6:00
PK (Please enter through the playground gates and door on the west side of the building.)
3rd grade (Please enter through the front door.)
August 11th, 6:30-7:30
4th grade (Please enter through the front door.)
If your student is riding a bus during the upcoming 20-21 school year, please contact Mike Trout at 580-504-7276.
Pride Of Nowata Band Camp!!
A bit of normal heading towards school starting!!
Anyone playing football or softball needs a physical and to fill out our participation packet before school or practice starts. You can get the forms at the superintendents office or print them from the school app or website at npsok.org Go to athletics and open the link. You will find a link to medical documents. You can print them off.
Help me welcome Coach Vann to the Ironman family. He is our new head girls basketball coach. Coach Vann will be on campus at 9:30am Wednesday morning to meet the girls.
I would personally like to thank the community for your kindness during this unusual time for our school. I have watched our plan to reopen the school, and I have not observed one unkind comment. I truly appreciate that. I have been anxious about doing the right thing for our students. Through the years, all students have been so important to me. Our children are our most precious gift. The staff at NES and I talk about flexibility and grace at every meeting. Thank you for extending it to us. I am a phone call away for any concern you might have. Thank you again, Sherry Campbell
Our athletic PE (competitive edge) class will be first hour. Athletes, if you are not wanting to be part of that entire progarm which will include lifting, agility work among other things please let us know so that we can enroll you in a more traditional calss frst hour. If you have documented medical or physical concerns, workouts will be modified to accomodate those needs.
Please see the news section of our website for updates on the Nowata High School Return to school plan. npsok.org
Please fill out the high school attendance preferance form attached to the link below if you have not already done so.
Everyone have a fun and safe 4th of July!!